Naming the Emotion

healing from pandemic stress
Naming the Emotion

“Let everything happen to you
Beauty and terror
Just keep going
No feeling is final”

― Rainer Maria Rilke

What am I Feeling?
Making our way through this pandemic is like walking through a fog of changes, which rolled into lives.
While we share this crisis globally, it hits each of us with different intensity. Some have experienced the death of loved ones
without being able to be with them in a hospital or senior care facility. Some are suffering profound financial upheaval.
Some have had to restructure their entire family around virtual schooling and working remotely. 

Whether adult, teen, or child, this pandemic has taken a unique toll on each of us.
The first step in moving out of the darkness is being able to name the unsettling emotions we're feeling.... 
to own and begin to understand these complicated and often unpleasant emotions.
Understanding our Emotions Leads us to Wholeness
This is uncharted water for all of us. Every feeling we experience is real and sacred. Though it may feel like the ground is continually shifting beneath our feet, it is important to recognize what we can and cannot control. Often, we cannot control what is going on around us, but we can control our response. 

What are you feeling right now? Being able to name our emotion helps us to talk about it with others, helps us understand what we need to express and how we need to express it, helps us to move beyond the emotion to a place of health and wholeness. 
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